Job Fair, Job Corps, and a Meeting. || 2008-03-17 at 3:32 p.m.

Well, now that I finally finished telling about my trip to Washington I can update about things since I got back home.

I went to the job fair last week and talked to a few people, got some applications, and have an interview tomorrow [I could have talked to more people but I'm just so shy.] They had a table there for Job Corps, which sounded familiar but also sounded like military school so I didn't go to that table. The next day I had a meeting with Elizabeth [the lady helping me with school, work, and lots of other stuff] and she had picked up some information from Job Corps. I guess they stopped there Child Develpment courses and now are offering courses in Human Resorces. They have a program so I can become a CT. The first step to becoming a Chemical Cependency Counselor. So, I've been looking at their website and I like what I see. They only downfall about it is that it can last from 1 to 2 years depending on how fast I learn and the courses I take. And it's in Palmer, about an hour away from Anchorage, which is about 1000 miles from Juneau. So, I won't be able to see Kris except the two trips home that I get per year. I really think I'm going to go there because it's completely free; the trip there, room and board, courses... everything. They even give you an allowence, it's not much but I don't much.

Anyway, I called Elizabeth today about going to The Learning Connection to print off the application for Job Corps and also photo copy my application for Silverbow [where I have my interview tomorrow] so I can get credit for it. She told me that on April 13 - 15 she's taking some people up to Anchorage to check out the school. The trip is payed for so I told her I'd go. I'm excited.

I also registered to vote, got my food handlers permit, and signed up to take a CPR and First Aid class on Saturday.

So, yesterday I went to a meeting here. Kris went with me. I read and inrtoduced myself when they asked if there was anyone from outside the area. My heart was racing the whole time I was there. I am very shy and nervous around people I don't know. I promised myself I would share and I did. I waited until the last minute but I did it. My face got red and my heart was beating so fast but I did it. I introduced myself and told the a little bit about me and said that I was looking for a sponsor. A few people said hi and welcomed me and they were all really nice. I liked this meeting more than the one I went to last time. They're having a campout on April 5th which is my birthday and I want to go but if I have a job and I have to request time off to go to Anchorage I won't be able to request my birthday off but oh well. I'd rather go to Anchorage.

I think that's all for now. Oh yeah, I locked my diary because I think Kris knows I have it and I'm not sure that he'll go looking for it but I just want to keep it private.

What I'm Hearing: La Vie Boheme - Rent Soundtrack
What I'm Thinking: I hope I get to go to Job Corps.
What I'm Watching: -


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