Still smoking but doing well. || 2008-04-12 at 10:44 p.m.

I've smoked every day since my birthday. Not a lot and only when I get home from work. The only thing is that I do it right after I get home from work and then I do nothing sround the house. I didn't work today though so I told myself I wasn't going to smoke until I did a few things... and that's exactly what I did.

Work is going good. It's getting so busy. Fucking tourists. Just kidding. With so many customers the tips are really good. The other day I got $26 in tips. That's from my share of 4 or 5 people. SWEET! Haha. I'm supposed to learn how to work the register next week. I'm scared. I'm not very good at talking to people. I suppose this will help break me of that though.

I may have already mentioned this but I'm not going to Job Corps. I'm still going to check it out tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday but I'm not going to go.

Kris and I are doing pretty good.

Honestly, things are going really well. I even hung out with one of the guys from work the other night. He reminds me a lot of Zack. I'm sure the fact that he's gay has something to do with it. Haha. He can get kind of annoying at times but overall he seems like he'll be a good friend.

Well, I can't sleep but I think I may play some WoW now.

What I'm Hearing: Zeppelin running.
What I'm Thinking: I wish I could sleep.
What I'm Watching: Nothing.


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