Smoking Weed and My Birthday. || 2008-04-07 at 5:51 a.m.

So, I haven't updated in a while and, honestly, I really don't want to but I figure I paid for that Super Gold bullshit so I might as well.

We figured out why our cable bill so much. I was going through the mail we have pilling up for the people who used to live here (I've tried calling them and they don't call back, I'm about it throw it all away.) Anyway, I was looking through it for some reason and I found a cable bill that had been opened but never paid. So, that explains that.

I still don't have shit for hours at my job but I like it there. I still believe I should be making more than $8 an hour though. I hope it goes up when I'm done with training. This week is the Alaska Folk Festival and it's in Juneau so it's going to be incredibly busy. I'm not looking forward to work today (which is only for four hours I might add.)

I don't think I'm going to be going to Job Corps after all. Not because I didn't get accepted, although I'm still not sure if I have, or because I don't think I could be away from Kris for that long, I know that would be hard though. So, here's the reason...

I started smoking pot again. I've only done it a few times and I should probably stop now before I get dragged into everything else that I used to do but I just don't want to. I don't know why I don't stay clean. I don't know if it's because I can't (which I doubt), I just don't care about myself and my life, or I haven't hit my bottom hard enough.

I mean, I've been going to meetings since June of 2006 and I have't ever gotten more than 8 months and 1 days put together. And most of these last two years I don't feel like I've been doing it for myself. I guess I'm just making up excuses when really I just want some friends and I know I'll be able to make friends if I smoke weed with them.

Anyway, on to better news. I'm nineteen now! My bithday was the 5th and it was pretty nice. (Much better than last year when my boyfriend had a panic attack and had to go to the hospital.) I had to work which kind of sucked because I didn't work with any of the people I'm used to working with but oh well. It was funny though, when I took my lunch break I told Rita it was my birthday and I guess one of the customers over heard me because he came to the tabel I was sitting at a few minutes later and gave me a candy bar and said, "Happy fucking birthday." Haha. It was funny to me.

Then Kris and I went to his mom's arounf six and his grandpa was there too. His mom made halibut enchiladas and he baked me a cake and I got some gifts. It was sweet. Then, we played with the balloons so our voices went all high. It was so funny when his mom did it. Then we went to his friend Taylor's apatemnt smoked a bowl with him.

Yesterday I bought an eighth and we smoked a few bowls of it. I have to go buy a pipe though because this home made shit is not cutting it.

What I'm Hearing: Some weird buzzing sound.
What I'm Thinking: My fucking stomach hurts.
What I'm Watching: Nothing.


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