Blah fucking blah. || 2008-02-17 at 3:54 p.m.

I usually try not to post blogs until later at night when my day is over but I have a feeling there will be nothing to tell tonight anyway.

I slept all day yesterday. I have a bladder infection and the pain keeps coming and going. I'm drinking Cranberry Juice and taking Vitamin C pills. I don't have the money to go to the doctor or hospital so I'm trying to take care of it myself.

Kris was gone at a LAN party last night. Six hours. It was nice that he actually went somewhere without me. We're always together and right now I want to rip his fucking throat out. He called in sick to work today not because he was sick but because he didn't want to go. I did that while working at Fred Meyer so I suppose I can't complain. He's playing playing video games since we woke up. I cleaned the kitchen, took all the card board and empty juice containers to the garbage, did a load of MY laundry, and cleaned all his clothes off the floor in our bedroom. I'm not cleaning out his boxes of stuff that have been in our room since we moved in. As well as a garbage bag full of his clothes and a suitcase. He took out the bag of trash and did the dishes. Plus, made me a quesadilla for lunch.

Maybe I shouldn't complain but I just feel like I do everything. He still hasn't bought the groceries he said he would [I've bought groceries two or three times and so has Matt.] He hasn't paid me back the $450 dollars he owes me for his part of the deposit, food, and the cable and electric deposits. Matt paid me back $100 but still owes me $400 which I hope he gets to me before he leaves for the Police Academy. I'm far to fucking generous with my money.

I started playing WoW and little bit and I like it but I think Kris thinks that because he bought it for me I'll play it as much as he plays his video games and I won't give him shit for playing so much. That isn't the case though. He knows he does all this stuff that bothers me and thinks leaving me MySpace comments telling me how much he loves me and saying it in person makes up for it all. Fuck.

I can't work with him. It will ruin us if we're together that much. Period.

Anyway, I decided that I'm not doing his laundry and I'm not cleaning up his shit in our room. I'm just going to stack it all next to the bed on his side. It may be imature but I refuse to be like my mother and do everything for him while he does nothing.

What I'm Hearing: Eddie Izzard - Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
What I'm Thinking: Is this going to end up like all the other ones?
What I'm Watching:


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