kasjhflksdjfh || 2008-02-27 at 12:30 a.m.

I don't feel like saying much at the moment. I just thought I should say something.

I currently have two days clean. I drank on Sunday night/Monday morning. I have no reasons and no excuses. I just did it and once again I feel like shit. This, boys and girls, is what we call insanity; repeating the same mistake over and over again but expecting different results. Remember that. I thought about going to a meeting on Monday but there isn't one and so I was going to go last night but I just didn't. For no reason, like always, I just didn't go.

I didn't quit smoking. I just don't care enough I guess. I mean, I have just about zero respect for myself. Why would I care if I'm killing myself? At least, that's how I see it. (That sounded a Hell of a lot more depressing that it should.)

Kris playing video games every day of his three day weekend. From just about the time he woke up to the time he went to bed. I played a lot, more that I should have but, honestly, some of that reason is because while he's playing games I have nothing else to do.

I hung out with Cora yesterday. She got her tattoo. It's amazing. I can't wait to get my first one. I already have about five in mind but I have to have a job and money to get them.

Speaking of jobs, Elizabeth helped me write part of a cover letter for this front desk clerk at a hotel here. We didn't finish because she had to take an important call and by the time she got off I had to go. I really just need to try harder to find a job.

Kris finally paid me back part of what he owes me; $150. Which is better than nothing. I have to have Cora give Matt my bank account number so he can just pay me what he owes me while he's gone. He's making $25 an hour so I don't think he's going to care much.

I guess I did end up writing a lot.

What I'm Hearing: Kris playing his fucking video games.
What I'm Thinking: Why don't I do anything with my life?
What I'm Watching:


Before || After