A trip back home! || 2008-02-28 at 2:22 a.m.

I've noticed that most (if not all) of my entires have been about the not so good things in my life. I just want to make it clear that not everything in my life is horrible and I do have fun at times. Just so you know.


Kris has this thing that he does. This thing that turns me on more than any man has been able to do with out being physical. He tells me his fantasies. He tells me every little detail, with such intensity. He teases me with his words. It's indescribable. So, I guess I should stop trying. :]

Kris and I are leaving on Sunday. We were planning on leaving on Wednesday but he got his work scheduale changed. We're going to Washington to visit my family and go to an NA convention, Clean and Free. I went last year and had a fucking blast. We're supposed to arrive in Seattle around 5pm and my parents are going to pick us up there. Then we'll probably just hang out with them for the rest of the night.

On Monday I'm hoping to go visit an old teacher of mine and go to my two favorite meetings down there. Tuesday, maybe going to Seattle and walking around there. I must go to Broadway. Possibly even the Space Needle; which in my 18 years of living there I've never been to. Wednesday, my grandma is coming over for dinner and then I'm going bowling with some of my friends.

We're leaving Thursday to go to Clean and Free. I finally found us a ride to the convention. We still have no place to stay but I know we won't have a problem finding one. There's going to be dances, live music, comedy shows, speakers, and so much fun. We'll be there until Sunday. Then hanging out with the family until it's time to catch our flight back home.

I'm so fucking excited. EEK! Two more days. I've been counting forever. I can't wait to see my kitty too. I miss him so much.

Today I'm going to meet with Elizabeth again. We're going to finish my cover letter for the job at the hotel. Then I'll probably head to the library and after that I may hang out with Cora. Tonight Kris and I are going to an NA Meeting. He's never been to one and I'm not sure he even needs to go but he said he would go if I wanted him to.

Three days clean and my whole life ahead of me. I've got to get this shit right or it's going to kill me. I know it and so does everyone else. So, why don't I care enough to do what I need to? I don't know but I'm hoping to change that.

What I'm Hearing: Some one throwing or kicking something upstairs.
What I'm Thinking: I need to get to sleep.
What I'm Watching: Notta.


Before || After